Friday, January 9, 2015

Rodeo News

WSRRA Helping Neighbors Out

By Naomi Loomis, WSRRA Representative

“Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.” ~Danny Thomas

In 2008, the WSRRA was formed. Its mission was to create a ranch rodeo association that would include anyone that wanted to compete.  The WSRRA also wanted to reach out to member families that are in need.  At the first WSRRA National Finals Rodeo held in 2010 at the Winnemucca Event Center, Winnemucca, Nevada, the WSRRA Cowboy Crisis Fund was started. Since 2010 the Cowboy Crisis Fund has raised more than $51,000.00 for 9 members and their families in need.

The WSRRA Cowboy Crisis Fund Silent Auction at the WSRRA Finals is set up for members and/or member’s families that are in need of some help.  The WSRRA donated one hundred percent of the proceeds from this year’s auction to these recipients. This year at the 2014 WSRRA National Finals, the Cowboy Crisis Fund raised $12,000 and with a generous matching donation by an anonymous donor, the 2014 WSRRA Cowboy Crisis fund was able to give out $24000, to the three recipients.

The 2014 WSRRA Cowboy Crisis Fund helped three Cowboys and their families. Wade Kornemann from Montana, Fred Loomis Memorial from Nebraska and Les Dial from Nevada.

Wade Korneman has been diagnosed with brain cancer. This will be a lifelong battle for Wade. Wade has spent his life ranching on his family ranch, riding saddle bronc horses, being a pickup man and competing in ranch rodeos.  Wade competed on the Flat Iron team at the 2014 WSRRA National Finals.  Proceeds from this year’s auction will go to Wade to help with Wade’s medical treatments.

Fred Loomis was from Broadwater, Nebraska. He lost his battle to cancer on August 22, 2014, just one day short of his 77th birthday. Fred was a rancher, raised Quarter horses and was a WSRRA supporter. He was very active in helping his daughter-in-law, Naomi put on a WSRRA ranch rodeo in Bridgeport, Nebraska. Fred leaves behind a wife of 52 years., Darlene. His son, Cody competed at this year’s WSRRA National Finals. One third of proceeds from this year’s auction will go to Fred’s wife, 2014 WSRRA Grand Marshall, Darlene, in honor of Fred.  Another Cowboy, gone too soon.

Les Dial is from Winnemucca, Nevada.  Les was raised in New Mexico.  Les and his wife, Brenda are supporters of the WSRRA and the Hot Creek Productions. Les and Brenda love the western way of life. He was in a roping accident where he suffered a fractured neck.  He will be coming home soon.  One third of proceeds from this year’s auction will go to Les and Brenda to help with Les’s medical needs.

One of the highlights of the 2014 WSRRA Cowboy Crisis Auction was when Wade Korneman donated his own personal chinks to be auctioned off by WSRRA Clown, Tuffy Gessling.  The first winning bid of the live auction, was DeLong Ford of Winnemucca, Nevada for $4500 and then they donated the chinks back to be resold. The chinks were then sold again for $2500. The winning bidder was Ty Van Norman, of Van Norman Quarter Horses, then Ty had numerous WSRRA contestants and audience sign the chinks for a donation to Wade and Jessica. The chinks and the donations were given back to Wade, Jessica and Ryder.  “It was an honor to be part of the entire 2014 WSRRA Cowboy Crisis auction, but it was more of an honor to sign the chinks for a tough buckaroo,” stated Tuffy Gessling.

The response to this year’s silent auction was amazing.    It was humbling to see the support of the 2014 WSRRA Cowboy Crisis Fund.  The WSRRA thanks Kathy Flanigan, the WSRRA Cowboy Crisis Auction coordinator, for all her efforts in making the Cowboy Crisis Fund a success.

The western lifestyle and its traditions are important to us all. The west was won on handshakes, honest people and good neighbors.  The lifestyle and traditions are alive and well in the WSRRA.

If you are interested in making a donation or would like more information about the WSRRA Cowboy Crisis Fund please see or email


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